Wes, I'm a psycholgist/consultant researcher and writer. I'm also a big fan of yours and have used your ideas in teaching doctoral students of clinical psychology for over two decades. Using your ideas helped me a great deal when I moved to teaching my classes online. I read this and thought you might find an article I wrote with Erik Newhard, applying Prosocial Psychology to Coaching. I'd love to dialogue with you if you find our piece interesting --we have a different slant on human nature. To get to the article go to:


The link to my lab, and the link to my blog in Psychology Today is below in my signature.

Lynn E. O'Connor, PhD

Professor Emeritus, The Wright Institute

Director, Emotion, Personality & Altruism Research Group (EPARG)

URL: www.eparg.org

E-mail: loconnor@wi.edu

E-mail: lynnoc@lynnoc.com

Phone: 415-819-9137

Psychology Today Blog: Our Empathic Nature:


Medium: Process Notes: The Personal is Political

Process Notes: The Personal is Political – Medium

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Great read! Very informative and insightful. So much of this is good for all kinds of relationships - personal and professional.

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What a great read!

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Sounds so simple but also very non-violent! Great one, Wes.

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Love this!

So much of this kind of feedback is good for all kinds of relationships, not just professional, but personal too.

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Jun 26Liked by Wes Kao

Thanks Wes, great write-up! I'll leverage this technique to nudge my x-functional stakeholders!

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Jun 26Liked by Wes Kao

So good Wes, I’m saving this article and putting it to good use. Thanks 🙏

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I train mentors and interns in the whole feedback thing and this is a great way to rethink feedback giving AND receiving. It’s always about the behavior change, i can’t wait to test what this kind of feedback giving will result in. My theory: a lot. People, especially young people are very image conscious. So thanks! Will use this idea.

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Jun 26Liked by Wes Kao

Great information - I'm going to use this framework for talking to someone at the office who is frequently late to work

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This is really interesting. The format of your OARB is both easy to grasp and easy to apply. I'll definitely use it in the future, it's such a widely applicable logic. Thanks for the tips!

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