Definitely going to take this with me. I often catch myself when I feel like I sent something that sounded cold, even though I didn't mean it that way and go back and edit it.

But I didn't realize I could use this strategy for it. Thanks, Wes! 🙏

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If you want an actual robot voice, MS Word has a 'Read Aloud' function - it's on the Review tab on the ribbon, or just right-click where you want it to start reading from. Not only is it very useful for assessing tone, but a clunky sentence stands out a mile when a robot is reading it to you too!

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What an important and helpful post. You're talking about something that rarely gets addressed. Tone is a vital component of any writing --and it varies depending on who you're communicating to. It's a critical differentiating factor. It conveys who we are and why someone should trust that what we say speaks to and is relevant to them. I've spent years getting this "right." It's a process of trial and error -- but when you get it, a whole new world opens up.

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Loved this. So so true and I need to make sure to use the Robot voice for all my writings. Thank you Wes!

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Especially validating for women in the workplace to read this. I often feel too warm when the way I write looks so different from my male collaborators. Everyone should write this way, especially with fully remote workplaces.

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Never thought a simple sentence with a Please could come off as demanding.

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